350 rub
Journal №11 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Analgesic properties of propofol
A.Yu. Elizarov - Sc.Dr., (Phis.-Math.), Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Peterburg
D.G. Gerasimov - Adjunct, Kirov Military Medcine Academy, Saint-Peterburg
The results of clinical trials of analgesic properties of propofol method of assessing stress reaction of the patient during propofol - fentanyl anesthesia. The comparison of methods to assess the stress response of the patient based on a precision measurement of the respiratory quotient, electroencephalography methods (bispectral index, auditory evoked potentials ) during prostatectomy pituitary gland. It is shown that propofol has analgesic properties when the blood concentration of more than 3 mg/ml.
Pages: 72-76
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