350 rub
Journal №11 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The insecticidal activity of derivatives of succinic and phhalic acidssummary
B.Ya. Syropâtov - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Chair Department of Physiology of the Basics of Anatomy, Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy. E-mail: perm@pfa.ru
N.V. Kolotova - Ph.D. (Chem.), Associate Professor, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy. E-mail: kolotova-nina @ rambler.ru
Yu.A. Goldobina - Student, Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy. E-mail: Yuliia.gold@gmail.com
A.V. Zhovanik - Student, Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy. E-mail: An.Zhovanik@yandex.ru
The insecticidal activity of 13 amides, 3 hydrozides and 4 salts of hydrozides which are derivatives of succinic, phthalic and tetrachlorophthalic acids were studied on Chironomidae wrigglers. The wriggles were put in 0.1 % solution of analyzable substances. The time of death was fixed. Imidacloprid (tanrec) and diazinon (ant-eater) were used as standards. Some mechanisms of influence of structure on insecticidal activity were figured out. 2-Тhiophenylamid of succinic acid and antipirilamid of tetrachlorophthalic acid displayed anti mosquito activity. This activity was close or even better than the anti mosquito activity of diazinon. Two amids of succinic acid and one amid of phthalic acid have the same activity as imidacloprid. In a case of changing OH-group to SH-group in 2-hydroxyphenyl amide of succinic acid would lead to strengthening of insecticidal activity. Bringing 2-hydroxyphenyl amide of succinic acid in fifth location of nitric radical would lead to activity decreasing. Changing acid residual of succinic acid in antipylil amid to acid residual of tetrachorophthalic acid would lead to strengthening of insecticidal activity. Among hydrazides para-methylbenzoylhydrazide and natrium salt of ortho-aminbenzoylhydrazide of phthalic acid showed high activity. Natrium salt of ortho-aminbenzoylhydrazide of phthalic acid is 2 times more active than diazonon. Changing sodium ion to potassium ion would lead to loss of activity. Replacing nitric radical from ortho-position in o-phenylamid of phthalic acid to meta-position would lead to loss of insecticidal activity.
Pages: 52-55
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