350 rub
Journal №10 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Analisys of elemental status of residents of Magadan town with different body mass index. Part 1. Regional centile intervals of trace elements concentration
E.A. Lugovaya - Ph.D. (Biol.), Academic Secretary, Scientific-research centre «Arktika» FEB RAS, Magadan (SRC «Arktika» FEB RAS). E-mail: elena_plant@mail.ru
E.M. Stepanova - Scientist, Scientific-research centre «Arktika» FEB RAS, Magadan (SRC «Arktika» FEB RAS). E-mail: arktika.magadan@mail.ru
To reveal the profiles of the body chemical contents depending on body mass index, we examined 602 residents of Magadan town of different sex at the age of 1 to 89 years old. In the Center for Biotic Medicine (Moscow) the amount of 25 chemical elements (Al, As, B, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, I, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Se, Si, Sn, V and Zn) was determined in the hair samples using the method of atom-emission and mass spectrometry with the inductively bonded argon plasma. The common character feature of the element system of the examinees was pronounced deficit in the series of essentials. Among 1-6 year old children and adolescents we observed deficit in Mg (61% and 65%, respectively), Co (52% and 55%), Ca (42% and 72%), Cu (31% and 36%) and in Zn (25% and 31%). People at the age of 22-35 demonstrated deficit in Ca (61%), Mg (59%), Co (39%), K (38%), Cu (32%) and in Na (29%). As regards the elder people, they were low in Mg (49%), Ca (45%), Co (31%), Cu (30%), I (28%) and Zn (27%), but high in K (35%), Na (48%) and Si (39%). Apparently the observed deficit of Co, Ca and Mg is a region-related problem. The findings testify that, the most pronounced misbalance in the element system occurred in people with elevated body mass index and suffering from obesity that can develop and strengthen pathologies in the functional systems resulted from the body mass increase. We observed the most number of reliably significant differences in chemical contents, as dependent upon the body mass index, in those examinees who were in the puberty period at the age of 11-17 which is the most critical for a gain in weight.
Pages: 48-60

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