350 rub
Journal №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Biologically active trace elements in the pathogenesis of pregnant women with alimentary obesity
L.A. Kovalchuk - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, Ural Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Middle Urals Scientific Center Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Laboratory of Adaptation Problems; Yekaterinburg, Russia. E-mail: kovalchuk@ipae.uran.ru, KLA@isnet.ru
A.E. Tarkhanova - Ph.D. (Med.), Doctor of the Highest Category, Obstetrician-Gynecologist, Ural State Medical University; Municipal hospital № 1, Yekaterinburg, Russia. E-mail: andrey tarkhanov@gmail.com
Pregnant women with alimentary obesity megapolis residents form the group of high risk in the development of obstetric and gynecologic anamnesis. The disbalance of trace elements in homeostasis and selective interrelation of biologically active elements with some amino acids evidence of their direct or indirect participation in the development of alimentary adiposity. This fact can be used for the diagnostics and optimisation of therapy by metabolic correction.
Pages: 39-43
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