350 rub
Journal №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Preclinical toxicological study of the drug «Thermoxol»
V.N. Davydova, T.A. Sokolskaya, L.V. Krepkova, Yu.G. Lozhkin
It was determined, that «Thermoxol» has low toxicity as in one, and in the long inside gastric the introduction of experimental animals. In the test the reaction of the total of anaphylaxis, held in Guinea pig albino, identified allergizirutego properties. «Thermoxol» in the form of the substance and of the syrup has no sensitized action in tests « delayed type hypersensitivity test» and « conjunctival test». The study of reproductive toxicity «Thermoxol» syrup on rats allows to make a conclusion that the drug has no damaging effect on generative function animals when administered in the stomach in doses exceeding the daily therapeutic in 5 and 15 times. Do not use the drug during pregnancy.
Pages: 17-20

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