350 rub
Journal №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Medicinal plants - concentrators and superconcentrators of microelements, perspectives for their use in medicine
medical plants
concentrators and overconcentrators of elements
pharmacologital activity
microelemetouses and their treatment
M.Ya. Lovkova, G.N. Buzuk
Russian flora medical plants (~ 200 species) were screened for 20 microelements by atomic absorption method in combination with spectrometric detection. Many of these species (more 80 %) growing in similar soil - climatic conditions it was shown selective accumulative Cr, Se, Zn, Co, Mn, Cu, Li and so on, their concentrate contents exceed to average typical level («Clarc» - C) by another plants in the same regions. Among the medicinal plants were revealed moderate concentrators (2 C), concentrators (3 - 9 C) and superconcentrators (10 - 100 C), as well as of separate or groups of elements.
The role of concentrated elements in the medical effect of these species and essential advantages in using medical plants by comparative with another means of analogous types action are discussed. The medical plants are offered to be considered as potential sources of elements for treatment and preventive prophylaxis of different illness (microelementoses) as connected to breaking balance of elements as well as for treatment and preventive prophylaxis borderline pathological states.
It was concluded about the possibility to widen are application spectrum of medical plants in the cases when the orientation of the action of pharmacological activity physiologically active compounds of these species and pharmacological action of concentrated elements are different.
Pages: 43-49
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