350 rub
Journal №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Prospect of growing of plants of sort of Cimicifuga
M.A. Kytina
Recently the need for new highly effective phytopreparations sharply increased and consequently search of herbs gains the increasing value. Roots and rhizomes of the sort Cimicifuga are used in homeopathic, traditional medicine. Are widely used in China, Japan, America. In total sort Cimicifuga includes 10 types, practically all of them are of interest in medicine as soothing, hypotensive, sedative, uterine means. Some biological features of growth and Cimicifuga racemosa and Cimicifuga simplex development in the conditions of Botanical garden ВИЛАР are studied. On long-term phenological supervision of a plant don\'t give well ripened seeds, it is connected first of all by a difference of weather conditions in our zone and their habitats. Respectively seed reproduction by our seeds isn\'t possible. Vegetative reproduction, by shanks of rhizomes, with different quantity of kidneys (1,2,3 kidneys) and in different terms (spring - early and late, autumn) was studied. By the carried-out experiences the best results of spring vegetative reproduction are received by 3 kidneys at early term (the beginning of spring).
Pages: 35-37
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