350 rub
Journal №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Study of the therapeutic action of the gel with taurine on model of traumatic eye damage in rabbits
I.I. Berdey, L.V. Sokolova, E.L. Gryschuk, O.N. Shapoval
Results of investigation of the therapeutic effect of the gel with taurine named «Taugel» on the model of traumatic eye damage in rabbits are shown in this article. Determined that eye gel with taurine 4% «Taugel» show pronounced reparative activity at 60 %, and stimulates wound healing of the cornea of rabbits significantly reduced with respect to the control of the inflammatory response in disease one day - by 40 %, after three days - 55, 52 % in five days - at 69,23 % and in seven days - at 62,55 %. Experimental data indicate that a potential new drug - ophthalmic gel «Taugel» has the advantage over the comparator - eye drops «Taufon» in the expression of the therapeutic reparative action by about 10 %. Gel based on taurine also helps improve compliance because for reparative effect of «Taugel» should be used twice a day, while the referent-drug «Taufon» should be used four times a day. The results can be used to study other ophthalmic dosage forms and predict development of similar drugs for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases. The article can be useful for ophthalmologists, pharmaceutical technologists and other professionals involved in the creation, research, assignment and use of eye medicines.
Pages: 21-25
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