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Journal №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Studying ofhepatoprotective properties of extraction from ground ivy grass (Glechomahederaceae L.)
alcohol extraction
biliary excretion
biochemicalvalue of blood
E.A. Vasilenko
Grass ground ivy extract was prepared in accordance with the requirements of pharmacopeiaXI editions, using as an extract ethyl alcohol 40 %. The received spirit extraction in acute experiment according to M.D. Litvinchuk and Z.I. Novosilets (1980) at single introduction caused the increased allocation in healthy white rats (for 52,9 %; p < 0,05) bile without essential changes in the ratio in bile of amount of cholesterol and bilious acids.
In chronic experiments on white rats with hepatosis, induced by carbon tetrachloride, two-week oral administration of alcoholic extract of grass ground ivy at a dose of 92 mg/kg (corresponding to 1/30 LD50 and pharmacological screening of hepatotoxicity extraction according to V.V. Gatsura [1974]) situation explained statistically significant normalizing effect on the level of blood biochemical parameters characterizing the functional state of the hepar: albumin, creatinine, urea, cholesterol, triglycerides, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, cholinesterase, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, which are determined by automatic biochemical analyzer BS-120 («Minzey», China) with a standard set of reagents («Diasis», Germany).The results of experiments allow to conclude that spirit extraction from a herb of ground ivy possess distinct hepatoprotective activity and herb ground ivy can serve as perspective vegetable raw materials for receiving remedies.
Pages: 70-72
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