350 rub
Journal №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Comparative study of influense flavonoids on pro-antioxidant balance on the acute CCL4-hepatosis
pro-antioxidant balance
antioxidant enzymes
NADF+- reductases
E.G. Dorkina, E.O. Sergeeva, E.P. Parfenteva, L.A. Sadzhaya
In experiments on white rats both sexes was studied the effect gesperidin, diosmin, flavicin, isolated from plants and have hepatoprotective actions in comparative with quercetin and carsil on the intensivity of lipid peroxidation in content TBA-active product, conjugated diene, malondialdehyde in the liver and blood, activity of the major antioxidant enzymes (superoxidedismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione-S-trasferase), NADF+-reductase activities, content GSH in the liver on the CCl4 - damage. Set, pretreatment the test substances in effective doses (100 mg\\kg) helps overcome oxidative stress, induction of CCl4 and in varying degress restores activity antioxidant enzymes and enzymes involved regeneration GSH. More effectively to restore that link of antioxidant system, which providing regeneration GSH, than more effectively function enzymes of the first line of the defense, using it as a cofactor for detoxication of toxic products. The most normal activity antioxidant system and content GSH in the liver observed with the introduction of flavicin, that exceeds the action of quercetin and carsil. Flavicin also the most full recovers pro-oxidation balance on coefficient of oxidative stress, calculated as the ratio prooxidants to the antioxidants, which was almost equal to the first, that corresponds to its value at the normal. It can be concluded, in the mechanism hepatoprotective action of flavonoids essential has restored pro-oxidation balance by increasing of endogenous system of antioxidant defense. Flavicin can be recommended as substance to create a new hepatoprotective drugs, acting on the pathogenesis of liver disease.
Pages: 61-66
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