350 rub
Journal №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The study of phenolic compounds of leaves of walnut and black walnut by high performance liquid chromatography
J.V. Daironas, I.N. Zilfikarov
Walnut and black walnut - valueble species used in decorative, household, culinary and medicinal purposes. The development and introduction into clinical practice of drugs and black walnut prevents insufficient study of the chemical composition, the lack of standardization of methods of raw materials, lack of full pharmacological tests. The purpose of this paper is a comparative study of extracts from the leaves of walnut and black walnut by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). To study the composition of phenolic compounds obtained extract ethanol 70%. Parallel prepared a series of reference solutions in ethanol 70%. In the extracts obtained from the leaves of walnut, found 20 compounds (sample 1), and 13 compounds (sample 2), from the leaves of the black walnut - 19 connections.When comparing the retention time of standard samples and data obtained from the test solution in the extraction of the sample 1 leaf walnut identified caffeic acid, rosmarinic acid, myricetin, and in the extraction of the sample 2 - caffeic acid, ellagic acid, rosmarinic acid. In the extraction of the leaves of the black walnut identified gentisic acid, umbelliferone, veratrovaya acid. According to the results of investigations show that the qualitative composition of phenolic compounds of leaves of walnut and black walnut is different. Comparing the retention time of similar components for the leaves of walnut and black walnut are five connections. In studying the relation of substances in the amount of phenolic compounds can be divided into three groups: substances that make up more than 10% of the total amount of phenolic compounds, the substance from 5 to 10%, and the substance of less than 5%. In extracts from the leaves of the walnut in the first group are rosmarinic acid, and for sample 2 it is the dominant component, the second group is caffeic acid, in the third - myricetin. In the extraction of the leaves of the black walnut in the first group include umbelliferone, the second group consists of two unidentified compounds, the third - gentisic acid.In the leaves of walnut rosmarinic acid and myricetin are identified for the first time, in the leaves of black walnut was first discovered and veratrovaya gentisic acid, and umbelliferone. A large number of unidentified compounds requires further research to establish the exact sites for the standardization study of plant materials.
Pages: 57-60
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