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Journal №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Use chromatographic and spectrophotometric methods in the chemo-toxicological analysis of material evidences of the not biological origin containing risperidone, clozapine, sertindole
D.S. Lazarjan, I.P. Remezova
Аntipsychotics occupy one of leading places among «medicinal» poisons in a kind of high pharmacological activity, a wide spectrum of therapeutic activity and enough high toxicity. Uncontrolled application of the last, and also their combinations with other medical products, quite often is the reason of sharp household intoxications and poisonings. Development of ways of the analysis of material evidences of a not biological origin helps to establish the reason of a poisoning with the greater reliability, and also can be used by development of the circuit of the analysis on toxic substance in material evidences of a biological origin. The purpose of the present research was development of a technique of isolation atypical antipsychotics - risperidon, clozapine and sertindole -from tablets and techniques of their detection and quantitative definition. One of representatives atypical antipsychotics is risperidon -it is selective monoaminergic аntipsychotics with the unique mechanism of action. In work tablets «Rispolept» of manufacture «JANSSEN by Farmatsevtika N.V. « (Italy), containing 2 mg of risperidon were used. The chemical name 3-[2-[4-(6-Fluoro-1,2-benzisoxazol-3-yl)piperidi-but]ethyl]-6,7,8,9-tetrahydro-2-methyl-4H-pirido[1,2-a] pirimidin-4-he. We developed a technique of identification risperidon in tablets by method UV spectrophotometry and HPLC.With the purpose of an opportunity of further use developed spectrophotometric techniques in the chemo-toxicological analysis carried out validation an estimation to parameters: a limit of quantitative definition, linearity, precision and correctness. Clozapine - atypical antipsychotics described by interaction with several various neiromediate systems, in particular with dopamin, serotonin, noradrenergic, cholinergic and histamin receptors. For development of techniques of the analysis clozapine used tablets «Leponex» of manufacture Novartis (Switzerland) containing 25 mg. Clozapine on chemical structure represents 8-Chloro-11-(4-methyl-1-piperazinil)-5H-dibenzo[b,e][1,4]diazepin. We develop a technique of identification and quantitative definition clozapine in tablets by method UV spectrophotometry. Calculation carried out on a specific parameter of absorption clozapine, certain in experimental conditions and equal 911. Validation an estimation of the developed technique carried out on parameters: a limit of quantitative definition, linearity, precision and correctness. The limit of quantitative detection was established by us with the help of a method « to ten sigma». Sertindole - antipsychotic the second generation, being the first antipsychotic a preparation a derivative phenilinindola. It has high affinity to dopamin D 2-, serotonin 5-НТ2а-, 5-НТ2с-, noradrenergic receptors. We developed a technique of identification sertindole in tablets by method UV spectrophotometry and HPLC. Validation an estimation of the developed technique carried out(spent) on parameters: a limit of quantitative definition, linearity, precision and correctness. The limit of quantitative detection was established by us with the help of a method « to ten sigma». The given techniques will be used by development of the circuit of the chemo -toxicological analysis risperidon, clozapine and sertindole in material evidences of a biological origin.
Pages: 31-36
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