350 rub
Journal №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Development of soft medicinal forms of the collagenase of the kamchatka crab and their pharmacological researches
Yu.O. Ivankova, E.F. Stepanova, I.L. Abisalova, A.V. Lokarev
Therapy of necrotic processes and deep burns are most effective with providing of early removal of devitalized tissues, pus and the mass repression of micro flora inflammatory focus. Using of protolithic enzymes helps cleanse the affected tissues of detritus exudate. With this purpose various proteases are used: himopsin, trypsin, fibrinolysin, papain, terrilitin, streptokinase, and nucleases deoxyribonuclease and ribonuclease, other hydrolases of hyaluronidaselizoamidaza. However, that solution cannot solve the problems associated with cleaning wounds. These enzymes are not able to influence to the native collagen. They affect only much more damaged collagen fibers. Wounds that contain partially damaged collagen fibers (the basic structure of the connective tissue), are difficult to purify by enzymatic mentioned hydrolases. In these cases the use of the collagenase. To confirm the possibility of using collagenase for wound healing we prepared medicinal ointment on different bases. The technology was developed by traditional ointments. Concentration of the ointments was 2%. Standardization received ointments performed with the requirements of the GF XI. Experiments on the wound healing effect of the ointments containing the enzyme collagenase, for thermal burns were carried out on white male rats of line «Wistar». Thermal burn was modelled with application of electric heating elements with diameter of 10 mm, at a temperature of 100º C for 15 s on a pre depilated skin of the back area. This allowed us to create a burn of 3A degree. The test dosage forms were applied daily with sterile spatula, starting from 3 days after infection and the formation of necrotic wounds. Planimetric analysis was conducted, in which we concluded that the tested dosage forms with the enzyme collagenase activate processes of epithelialization and proliferation in the damaged tissues that is beneficial to the healing time of burn surface.
Pages: 28-30
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