350 rub
Journal №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The effect of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on rats
N.A. Krivova, R.T. Tukhvatulin, T.A. Zamoshchina, M.J. Khodanovich, O.B. Zaeva, T.J. Misina, M.V. Svetlik, L.K. Novikova, A.E. Zelenskaya, E.V. Gul
The injurious effect of 12 and 175 nm TiO2 nanoparticles on rats was investigated. The rats were fed during 7 days with a fixed dose of TiO2 (50 mg per rat or 250 mg per kg of bodyweight) that was mixed to an attractive food. The 12 nm TiO2 particles were found to increase а reversible aggregation of their erythrocytes and the level of free radicals and antioxidant activity of blood plasma (according to chemiluminescence measurements) and disturbances in bioelectric activity of the heart. The 175 nm particles increased the level of free radicals, but without concomitant increase of antioxidant activity; reversible erythrocyte aggregation was similar to that in control. In the experiment, accumulation of titanium in the brain, spleen, liver, kidneys, fatty tissue and blood was not observed after receiving 12 and 175 nm TiO2.
Pages: 57-63
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