350 rub
Journal №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
A new approach to the study population structure Betonica Officinalis L. in the middle of Ural
V.V. Morilov, S.I. Neuymin
The study population structure of the species is one of the most important directions of modern biology. This paper presents a new approach to the study of population structure for long-term introducing in the pharmacopoeia of species Betonica officinalis L. Investigations were carried out in the steppe and forest (southern taiga) zones of the Middle Urals within 16 populations of different cenotical communities. The measured parameters of structural elements metameric final signs of vegetative and generative sphere Betonica officinalis L. been formalized by a computer program «Radical», constructed based on a mathematical algorithm a Contracted Mapping System Radical Index (RI CMS). Total allocated some typical ecomorphs of steppe and forest zones of the Middle Urals. It is shown that the analysis of the frequency RI CMS with the use of Zhivotovsky-s population variability index is informative and practical in the study of the population structure of the species and conducting certification of intraspecific diversity.
Pages: 39-40
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