350 rub
Journal №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Studying of grass mallow wood
I.N. Korotkih, T.A. Sokolskaja, E.Y. Babaeva, E.Y. Krageva
In the All-Russia scientific research institute of medicinal and aromatic plants (VILAR) the medical product expectorant actions on the basis of a dry extract from a herb of mallow wood (Malva sylvestris L.) was developed. This is cultivated annual cold - resistant plant, allowing to receive 1-2 hay cuttings of a herb with high yield on all territory of the Russian Federation, except for the Far North. With the purpose of specification of an establishment of authenticity microscopic studying structural elements of the herb was held. Measurements of biometric parameters of bodies mallow's wood was studied, efficiency of plants in territory of VILAR in a vegetative season 2008-2009 y. Work was spent to phenological phases mass budding, mass flowering and the beginning of fruit's formation. At transition from mass budding phase to mass flowering phase the weight of mallow roots increased twice, the authentic increase in the sizes of a sheet plate is noted: lengths on 41.5 % and width ? on 56.4 %. The length of internode also essentially increased. The cup of a flower varied slightly, and diameter of a nimbus increased essentially (in 1.3 times). In a phase of the beginning of fruit's formation fruits in a grass are 40.6 %. Anatomic studying of structural elements of mallow's wood grass was held: a leaf plate, a petiole, a stem, a calux lobe, a petal of a nimbus diagnostic attributes are also revealed. These are multicellular simple fuzzes, accrete the bases from monocelled which meet in the epidermis of the leaf plate. In petiole epidermis, a leaf and a stalk are present simple monocelled fuzzes. A structure of a stalk of transitive, additional spending bunches differing by formation. In the calux lobe epidermis are noted rare capitate fuzzes with a unicellular leg and 4?6 cellular head.
Pages: 16-20
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