350 rub
Journal №11 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Biomorphological peculiarities of Mentha piperita sorts and their introduction into the nonblack zone of Russia
A.I. Morozov - Ph. Dr. (Agricultural), Senior Research, Worker Laboratory of the Plant Protection and Agrotechnology, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR). E-mail: vilarnii@mail.ru
There have been studied biomorphological peculiarities and adaptogenic properties of 10 sorts of Mentha piperita of different geographic sources and of their creation methods. Mint varieties Tundzha, Krasnodarskaya 2, Prilukskaya 6, Yantarnaya and Moskvichka are characterized as the most early ripe ones with vegetation period 122-124 days. Late ripe varieties are Lekarstvennaya 4, Medichka, Zgadka and Chernolistnaya with vegetation period 129-134 days. Medium ripening period was registrated for the sort Kubanskaya 6: 125 days from planting to flowering data. All varieties at the first and the second year of vegetation in the Moscow region were successfully proceeded total phases of developments. However earlier and mid-ripe varieties were shown to be most preferable for cultivation, while late-ripe varieties may be exposed to Erysiphe cichoracearum D.C.f. menthae Jasz. infection. All sorts are particularly characterized of high degree of stability during winter season, which were at average equal 79-87 %. Climatic conditions of the Central region of Nonblack zone, in particular snowy and moderate cold winter promote favorable wintering of mint culture. The most prospective varieties features of the Nonblack zone of Russia for production of the mint leaves, essential oil and menthol were shown to be Medichka, Lekarstvennaya 4, Yantarnaya, Moskvichka, Kubanskaya 6 and Zgadka. The latter are characterized with high level of stability to abiotic and biotic factors, stabile productivity and contents of biologically active substances.
Pages: 137-142

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