350 rub
Journal №11 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Modern soft dosage forms containing phytopreparations
V.F. Okhotnikova - Ph.D., (Pharm.), Manager of Pharmaceutical Technology Section, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: vilarnii@mail.ru
T.V. Kachalina - Ph.D. (Pharm.), Leading Research Worker, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Moscow, Russia. E-mai: t.kachalina@rambler.ru
M.V. Balakina - Ph.D. (Pharm.), Leading Research Worker, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: m_balakina@mail.ru
M.A. Dzhavakhyan - Ph.D., (Pharm.), Leading Research Worker, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: vilarnii@mail.ru
O.A. Semkina - Ph.D. (Pharm.), Associate Professor of Department of the General Pharmaceutical and Biomedical technology Peoples Friendship University of Russia; Leading Research Worker, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
D.S. Kachalin - Post-graduate student, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Moscow, Russia. E-mai: t.kachalina@rambler.ru
E.Y. Klimova - Ph.D. (Pharm.), All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Moscow, Russia. E-mai: vilarnii@mail.ru
N.S. Miheeva - Post-graduate Student, All-Russian Institute Scientific Research of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Moscow, Russia
T.A. Sokolskaya - Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Professor, First Deputy of Director, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR)
Modern medicine has at its disposal a variety of the nature and purpose of medicines for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Alternative to synthetic drugs are phytopreparations. The therapeutic effect of phytopreparations is determined by not only the basic substance, but in its overall composition of biologically active substances contained in the plant. Analysis of literature data shows that there are trend to increase assortment of soft medicinal forms (ointments, liniments, creams, gels) for external use. Important indicators of soft medicinal forms (SMF) are structural-mechanical characteristics, the bioavailability of the active substances and stability. There are various excipients using in technology of soft medicinal forms: structurants, thickeners, prolongators, activators, corrigients and preservatives. When developing of drug the choice of basis requires an individual approach taking into account physical and chemical properties medicinal substance and pharmacological destination developed the drug. The properties of a basis should correspond to the purpose of the soft medicinal forms external use. The development of synthetic chemistry and, especially, polymer chemistry in the last decades has contributed to use in pharmacy excipients of class of polymers, this in turn has led to the improvement of the technology, improving quality, stability and efficiency of medicinal forms. Among the wide diversity of polymeric materials used as carriers are of certain interest rarely-stitched acrylic polymers (RUP). High degree of swelling rap in various solvents, the extremely strong ability, stable viscosity properties in wide range of temperatures and pH allow its use in the technology of soft medicinal forms. On the basis of rarely-stitched acrylic polymer «Arespol» developed the composition and technology of soft medicinal forms of Alpizarin for the treatment of viral infections. As a result of complex physical and chemical, reological and microbiological studies developed an optimal composition of the gel on the base of Arnica foliosa Nutt dry extract 1 %. As the structurant for the technology of Arnica foliosa Nutt gel was selected Carbopol (940P, 941Р). As a preservative was used nipagin. Development of technology of Comarum palustre L. dry extract gel 5 % was carried out with the aim of creating a drug for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Developing the technology of gel focused on the choice of a framework to provide release of polyphenolic compounds from the gel. On the basis of complex researches was developed soft medicinal form on the basis of Comarum palustre L. extract dry using Walocel C 10000. Was developed soft medicinal forms (gel and liniment) of Hyporamin for the treatment and prevention of viral infections. Furthermore Evkalimin gel and Evkalimin cream was developed. As of components of a basis for Evkalimin gel used a combination of rarely-stitched acrylic polymers and polyethyleneglycol-400; for the Evkalimin cream - wax emulsion, monoglycerides distilled and polyethyleneglycol - 400. Suppositories has importance among medicinal forms. Тhе base Firm Fat of the mark A was choised at development of suppositories containing Arnica foliosa Nutt dry extract. During the development of vaginal suppositories containing Lutenurin, used hydrophilic and lipophilic base with the addition of surfactants and emulsifiers. In result of studies selected optimum structure of suppositories, meet the project requirements Pharmacopoeia XII edition.
Pages: 121-126

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