350 rub
Journal №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Chondroprotective action of the chondroitin sulfate in condition of an experimental arthritis in rabbits
S.V. Belova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Department of Basic and Clinical Experimental Studies, Saratov Scientific Institute of Traumatology and Ortopedics
Adequate therapy of the rheumatoid arthritis still keeps its relevance and significance. Characteristic manifestations of the disease are the progression of inflammatory and destructive processes in the articular tissues of the affected joint. There are some preparations containing chondroitin sulfate as an active source and having a chondroprotector action. One of these preparations is «Mukosat», the application of which is restricted by an intramuscular introduction, whereas an intra-articular introduction method has a number of complementary advantages. Research objective is the estimation of chondroprotector intra-articular action of the preparation «Mukosat» in rabbits having an experimental arthritis. After intra-articular injections of the preparation «Mukosat» in the trial group of animals against the improvement of the disease pattern significant positive progresses in the given laboratory tests have been observed as well. Positive change in indices of hematologic and cytologic studies, as well as positive progresses in the conjunctive tissue metabolism have been detected. It is indicated that local application of the preparation «Mukosat» in the doze 0,1 ml once during 3 days (the complete course contains 5 injections) exerted a chondroprotector action on conjunctive tissue inflammatory and destructive processes, improving metabolism of proteoglycans, stimulating and normalizing biosynthesis of autologous glycosaminoglycans in tissues of affected knee joints in experimental animals.
Pages: 56-61

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