350 rub
Journal №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Neutron activation analysis of children-s hair from ongudai district of Altai Republic
D.Yu. Zorina - Post-graduate student, Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology. E-mail: zorinadaria.10.3@gmail.com
M.S. Kozyreva - Post-graduate student, Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology. E-mail: alvarus9@gmail.com
Z.I. Goryainova - Junior Research Scientist, The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. E-mail: zoyag@yandex.ru
A.Yu. Dmitrtiev - Research Scientist, The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. E-mail: ru-day@list.ru
V.A. Batzevich - Ph.D. (Biol.), Research Institute and Museum of Anthropology. E-mail: vbatsevich@rambler.ru
M.V. Frontasyeva - Ph.D. (Phis.-Math.), The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR). E-mail: marina@nf.jinr.ru
In the present study neutron activation analysis was used to determine short-lived isotopes (Na, Mg, Al, S, Cl, K, Ca, V, Mn, Cu and I) in the hair of Altai children from four villages in Ongudai district of the Altai Republic. Data for 54 boys and 132 girls in the age of 7 to 17 were analyzed. Significantly higher content of sodium, aluminum and chlorine was observed in the hair of boys over girls. Concentrations of magnesium and calcium were significantly higher in the hair of girls. Iodine, copper, manganese and sulfur concentrations in the hair of boys and girls are close to each other, the differences between the sexes are not significant. Median concentrations of the studied elements in the hair of boys and girls were, respectively: Na - 75 и50; Mg - 49 и62; Al - 21 и13; S - 41150 и39850; Cl - 1020 и390; Ca - 608 и973; Mn - 1,1 и0,82; Cu - 9; I - 0,2 mg/g. It was shown that the high content of calcium and magnesium is observed in the hair of children living in rural areas with high hardness and salinity of drinking water. Iodine concentrations in the hair of studied cohort of children is low, especially in puberty.
Pages: 36-44

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