350 rub
Journal №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Аdaptogene biopreparation on the basis of mechanoactivated vegetable raw material
V.V. Anshakova - Ph.D. (Ped), North-Eastern Federal University (Yakutsk). E-mail: anshakоva_v@mail.ru
B.M. Kershengolts - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Institute for Biological Problems of Cryollithozone, SB (Yakutsk) RAS. E-mail: kerschen@mail.ru
B.M. Kershengolts - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Institute for Biological Problems of Cryollithozone, SB (Yakutsk) RAS. E-mail: kerschen@mail.ru
Searching the ways of increasing the intensity of existing pharmaceuticals and biologics is a actual task because of long-term and high cost (investment) of new drugs and biologics development process.
One of the most promising attempt is creation of mechanochemical complexes based on polymer matrix of natural poly- and oligosaccharides prolonging the activity of API, increasing of its biological (incl. therapeutic) effect in a few times, while reducing the toxicity is one of the most promising area.
Using this solid-state technology of treatment of substances based on physical and chemical effects that are common for Applied Mechanochemistry - from activation of solids due to disordering and defect formation till solid-phase chemical reactions directly in the processing.
The mechanochemical technology for producing of high-performance solid-state biocomplexes based on «universal active filler» which is a polymer lichen -oligosaccharide matrix with different kind of API (known pharmaceuticals, physiologically active substances of herbs, etc.) is developed.
The application of «solvent-free» processes based on natural poly-and oligosaccharides prolongs of the operation of API and increases of its biological (incl. therapeutic) effect in a few times, while reducing the dose and toxicity.
Pages: 29-33
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