350 rub

Journal №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Investigation of basic pharmacokinetic properties of L-lysine-α-oxidase
E.V. Lukasheva, А.N. Lukashev, V.S. Pokrovsky, H.М. Treshalina, Е.Yu. Shumilina, А.Yu. Arinbasarova, А.G.Medentsev, Т.Т. Berezov
ELISA assay was developed for quantitative definition of antitumor enzyme L-lysine-α-oxidase (LO) in mouse serum. After intravenous administration of LO in single doses of 1.0-3.0 mg/kg (95-285 U/kg) the pharmacokinetic profile was nonlinear with two evident phases. LO basic pharmacokinetic parameters: Cl - 0.05-0.1 ml/min; T1/2 - 1.05-1.55 h were comparable with those of
E. coli L-asparaginase, which is presently used in clinical cancer therapy. The pharmacokinetic profile of LO after multiple administrations (five doses with 48 h interval) was similar to the pharmacokinetic parameters upon a single injection.
Pages: 57-62
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