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Journal №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Рersistent infection: chemical sensitivity syndrome, metal complexes with metronidazole and endogenous antimicrobial peptides
N.I. Kaletina, G.I. Kaletin, D.V. Ryumin, N.I.Syuch, A.I. Brusilovskiy
Changes in the human environment have led to the existence of a population of morphologically altered, persistent forms of Trichomonas vaginalis with a distinct resistance to conventional therapу. Problems of therapy of urogenital trichomoniasis require a search for alternatives to existing methods remediation infection. The results of research in experimental bioelementologу demonstrate the role of an imbalance of elements in processes of growth, differentiation, regeneration and repair, apoptosis, cell survival. Сomplexes Cu, Ni with metronidazole are active against Trichomonas vaginalis in vitro and in vivo.Antitrihomonadnaya activity of the complexes MN-Cu and MN-Ni associated with the peculiarities of their structure, being «recognizable» for the cell and thereby manifesting ability to mimic enzymes. Activity in vitro against strains of Trichomonas vaginalis increases in the order: MN < сomplex MN-Cu < сomplex MN-Ni; activity in vivo in a model of trichomonas abscess - a series: MN < сomplex MN-Ni < < сomplex MN-Cu.The relationship between the negative result for the presence of protozoa by the action of the complexes and the normalization of the concentrations of endogenous antimicrobial peptides (BPI, LBP, Lactoferrin, Defensins) in the plasma or serum of the blood of experimental animals.
Pages: 45-56
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