350 rub
Journal №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Aconitate Hydratase Activity and Citrate Content in Rats Tissues under Pharmacological Product on the Basis of Hopantenic Acid, Succinic Acid and Chitosan Action at Brain Ischemia/Reperfusion
O.A. Safonova, D.A. Slivkin, T.N. Popova, S.N. Suslina, A.I. Slivkin
Investigation of the aconitate hydratase (AH) activity and citrate content in rats tissues under action of a new pharmacological product on the basis of hopantenic acid, succinic acid and chitosan at brain ischemia/reperfusion (BIR) development has been revealed in the present work. Males of white rats with weight of 150-200 g were used in experiments. BIR at rats was induced by 30-minutes occlusion of the general carotids and the subsequent occlusors removal. The admixture of hopantenic acid, succinic acid and low-molecular chitosan (Mr 16-20 кДа) in the ratio 4:4:1 was introduced to animals with the pathology intraperitoneally. The introduction was carried out in 11 mg/kg of weight dose in the form of 0,5 ml 0,9 % NaСl solution twice a day within 3 days. Besides, hopantenic acid in 5 mg/kg dose or succinic acid in the same dose or chitosan in 1.25 mg/kg dose were introduced to animals with BIR for finding-out of the product separate components contribution in its action. These compounds introduction was realized under the same scheme, as complex product. Brain homogenate and blood serum were used for investigations. Definition of lactate, piruvate and citrate content, AH activity were spent spectrophotometrically. In conditions of pharmacological product on the basis of hopantenic acid, succinic acid and chitosan action at BIR development investigated parameters change towards control has been found. So, lactate/piruvate ratio in the brain reduced in 2.9 times, that may testify about realization of neiroprotective and neirometabolic properties of investigated product components. Under introduction of hopantenic acid, succinic acid or chitosan to animals with BIR this parameter decrease in 1.7, 1.9 and 1,3 times accordingly has been noted. Apparently, hopantenic and succinic acids have the most considerable influence on brain metabolic processes change towards norm. These substances have a complex effect, directed on different metabolism chains, including increase of neurones resistance to ischemia. Introduction of pharmacological product on the basis of hopantenic acid, succinic acid and chitosan to animals with BIR also leads AH activity rising. Activity of this enzyme, which is a sensitive target of free radicals action, falls significantly during the pathology. So, this parameter increases in the brain in 1.5 times, in the blood serum in 1.7 times. Thus reduction of level of the citrate, which is the aconitase reaction substrate, has also been noted in brain and blood serum in 1.7 and 1.9 times in comparison with the pathology. Possibly, these parameters change towards control is a consequence of free-radical oxidation processes inhibition because of the product components antioxidant and neiroprotective action realization, that is accompanied by smaller rate of AH molecules damage. Under introduction of hopantenic acid, succinic acid or chitosan to animals with BIR AH activity also increases, citrate content - falls, however to a lesser degree, than at action of the complex pharmacological product. Thus, received results testify about ability of hopantenic acid, succinic acid and chitosan to reduce degree of metabolic damages and oxidative stress development at BIR.
Pages: 55-60


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