350 rub
Journal №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The Formation of Peptide Compounds in Human Erythrocytes in Blocking Purine Reception and Phosphodiesterases 1.3 Theobromine
R.O. Klenov, A.V. Isaeva, N.A. Klenova
Action exogenous АТP on the concentration and molar mass of peptide connections of the human erythrocytes by various age fractions in the conditions of blocking purine receptors and inhibitions of phosphodiesterase cyclic nucleotides, 1,3-dimetilksantin (DMK), is studied. Blocking purine reception and hosphodiesterase 1.3 theobromine in a concentration of 20 mkg / ml accompanied by increased formation of peptides inside the cells by 37 % in young and 21.4 % in older erythrocytes. Action of 1,3-DMK (20 mkg/ml) together with АТP (100 mkg/ml) is accompanied by authentically big augmentation of the concentration of peptides, than action of one 1,3-DMK in fraction of young cells. Blocking purine receptors doesn't lead to depression of effect of action exogenous АТP that specifies in primary value of cAMP level in a cell on generation of peptide connections and role АТP as the precursor of cAMP and an source. We have previously found that an increase in the production of peptides in erythrocytes causes of action and other phosphodiesterase inhibitor, cAMP  imidazole. Thus, the formation of peptide compounds in red blood cells depends on a secondary mediator as cAMP. Time to eluates during gel chromatography on G-10 shows that the molecular weight of the peptide compounds of red blood cells more than 1,000 Da. Yes, since the peak of their output is above the peak of oxytocin (M.M. 1000 Da).
Pages: 51-54
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