350 rub
Journal №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The Questions of the Rational using of Hypericum Herb
V.A. Kurkin, O.E. Pravdivtseva
The St.-John's wort herbs (Hyperici herba) is widely used in the medicine practice. The comparative study of the samples of the aerial parts of Hypericum perforatum L., Hypericum maculatum Crantz. (Hypericum quadrangulum L.), there was shown, that these species are the perspective drugs for obtaining of antidepressive preparations. There was substantiated the expediency of the standardization of preparations on the basis of Hypericum perforatum L. herbs via the content of total flavonoids (calculated on rutin) and total anthracenderivatives (calculated on hypericin). The study of different samples of the St. John's wort herbs shows that the length of the stems of the stored aerial parts must not exceed 20 cm. This approach will contribute to the retention of resources of the St. John's wort and to their rational use. This approach will contribute to the retention of natural brushwoods of the St. John's wort and to their rational using.
Pages: 39-40
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