350 rub
Journal №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
A New Method of Arbutin Quantitation in Extraction from Herbal Collection Containing Bearberry Leaves, Bur-marigold Grass and Birch Buds
G.N. Selezenev, D.M. Popov, N.G. Selezenev
On the basis of herbal collection containing bearberry leaves, beggar-ticks grass and birch buds using for treatment of chronic kidney diseases we made up a collection consisting of equal parts of the mentioned above herbs aqueous extraction which has laxative and antiseptic action. The aim of our study was to find out the method determining arbutin in aqueous extraction because it was considered to be a determinative component in a complex of substances passing into extraction during infusion. We used chromatospectrophotometric arbutin quantitation worked out to determine arbutin in pipsissewa leaves. But it was estimated that the use of this method was limited by substances containing in beggar-ticks grass and birch buds, thus, the preliminary purification on polyamide sorbent was suggested. Having carried out a lot of experiments we worked out a new method of chromatospectrophotometric arbutin quantitation in extraction from herbal collection containing bearberry leaves, bur-marigold grass and birch buds. It is based on the consecutive purification of the extract from herbal collection on polyamide sorbent, aluminium oxide and on changing optic density of elluate in 281 nm wave length. Arbutin content in extraction from samples of herbal collections ranges from 0, 39 % to 0, 44 %.
Pages: 18-21
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