350 rub
Journal №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Technologic Element of Mentha Piperita L. Sorts Cultivation for Nonblack Zone of Russia
Mentha piperita
sowing rate
crude drugs
growth regulators
biologically active compounds
A.I. Morozov, V.A. Bykov
There were studied agricultural technologic elements of Mentha piperita L. the sowing rate of roots, treatment with growth regulators and an influence of fertilizers.
The optimal sowing rates of Mentha piperita for production of the crude drug in nonblack zone of RF are 1 t/ga for the sort Moskvichka and Kubanskaya 6, 1,5 t/ga for Lekarstvennaya 4, Yantarnaya and Zgadka, 2 t/ga for Medichka.
There should be used diminishing sowing rates (1 t/ga) for reproduction of all sorts: such rate provides production at the first year of vegetation 31.061.6 kg/ga (depending on the sort) of essential oil and the high index of reproduction (610).
There was found during the first year of vegetation a stimulatory action of the growth regulators Cyrkon and Epin-exstra, promoting growth and development, as well as en crease of the stress factors. At the dry years the highest efficiency of the growth regulators were found in respect of Cyrkon, provided an increase of leaves yield on 1226 %, and the yield of the essential oil on 1531 % for all sorts except for sorts Moskvichka and Yantarnaya.
During optimal meteorological conditions the best results were obtained on treatment plants with Epin-exstra. Almost all sorts, except Yantarnaya, en creased the crop and the yield of biologically active substances.
On planting M. piperita at indigent soil the high efficiency of organic and mineral fertilizers were found at their joint with CaCO3 use. There were found that in complex use of all cultural factors the yield of essential oil in all sorts studied was increased on 2264 %. The sorts Moskvichka and Kubanskaya 6 were reacted positively on mineral fertilizers, wile the sort Zgadka - on organical.
Pages: 3-12
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