350 rub
Journal №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Development of Technique of Quantitative Definitionof the Luteolin in Flowers Tanaceti Vulgaris is Developed by Method HPLC
S.L. Baslinov, T.B. Shemerjankina, T.A. Sokolskaja
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.) ? is a perennial herb with a strong peculiar odor related to the family Asteraceae (Asteraceae)  Astraceae (Compositae). Tansy extended almost the entire European part of Russia and the CIS countries, except for the Caucasus, the Lower Volga and Ural regions of eastern Caucasus. It grows well in the south of the forest, the forest-steppe and steppe zones of Western Siberia and northern Kazakhstan. In eastern Siberia, the Far East, in East Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan met only as invasive plant. In the flower baskets contain essential oil (about 1,5  2 %), a leading group of ALS this raw material. Dominant component of essential oil are monoterpene bicyclic ketone α-thujone and β-thujone (up to 47  70 %). Among other terpenes in significant quantities include tuyol, camphor, borneol, camphene, pinene, 1,8-tsimol, limonene and others. In the flowers also contain flavonoids (the second group BAS), dominated by derivatives of luteolin, apigenin, akatsetina, quercetin and izoramanetina. The aim of this work was to develop a more cost-effective, sensitive and accurate method for determining flavonoids (luteolin) in flowers of tansy - by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) based on RS luteolin. The object of the work are collected at the beginning of flowering baskets and dried, and complicated part of the corymbose inflorescence perennial tansy harvested in the Krasnodar Territory in 2008-2010. In developing the methodology was carried out selection of the optimum conditions of chromatography, with using artificial mixture of standard samples: RS luteolin (FS 42-0174-06), RS hyperoside (FS 42-0106-03), RS luteolin-7-glucoside (FS 42-0175 -06), RS rutin (TU 9369-141-04868244-02), RS quercetin (TU 9369-128-04868244-03) and extract of flowers tansy, obtained by extraction of flowers during the 3.5 hours on a boiling water bath for 95 % alcohol in the ratio of raw materials - the extractant1:100. Analytical sample of raw material is milled to a particle size passing through a sieve with holes 1 mm in diameter. About 2 g (accurately weighed) of raw minced flat-placed in a flask with ground glass stopper with a capacity of 300 ml, add 200 ml ethyl alcohol 95%. The flask was sealed and weighed with an accuracy of ± 0,01 g, then attached to a reflux water-cooled and heated in a boiling water bath for 3.5 hours. Flask contents cooled to room temperature, weighed and the mass of the flask was adjusted to an initial 95 % alcohol. Extract was filtered through a paper filter, rejecting the first 20 ml filtrate. In the flask with a capacity of 50 ml 5 ml prevent resulting solution volume was adjusted to the mark with 95 % alcohol and stirred. The resulting solution was filtered through a membrane filter with pore size of 0.45 microns. The resulting solution was injected into the chromatograph injector. The developed technique of quantitative determination of luteolin in the flowers of tansy was validated in accordance with the characteristics recommended in the manual validation of methods of analysis of drugs.
Pages: 3-8
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