350 rub
Journal №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The Evaluation of Resources of Achillea Millefolium L. S.L. in Ukraine
I.A. Tymchenko
The results of studing of productivity of Achillea millefolium L. s.l. in different ecological and coenotic conditions of plant communities of Ukrainian Polissya and Forest-Steppe are presented. For elaboration of express-method of evaluation of A. millefolium productivity the main resources parameters (density of the stock of raw materials, projective cover of species, weight of one shoot, number of generative shoots on 1 m2, height of plant and its raw materials part, diameter of inflorescence) were determined and analyzed. The high positive linear relation between the density of the stock of raw materials and projective cover are revealed. The calculation table of evaluation of the density of the stock of raw materials of yarrow on its projective cover were worked out.
Pages: 70-72
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