350 rub
Journal №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Application of Growth Regulator and Micronutrient Fertilizers for Rejuvenating Pruning Shrubs Hips
N.D. Luzhny, S.M. Konovalov, G.V. Melnikov, D.A. Kushtel, A.N. Luzhny, O.I. Nikiforova
During the period of aging in the wild rose bushes reduced annual increment, reduced crop yields, there is a death of branches and the accumulation of infection. On industrial plantations older than 10 years has been a continuous cropping of bushes at ground level, thereby addressing the question of rejuvenation of plants. To enhance the regeneration of bush varieties of rose hips Vorontsov-1 and Vitamin VNIVI after cutting was treated with growth regulator Zircon and microfertilizer Ferovit. The above account of fruiting branches showed that the number of variants on the combined use of zircon and Ferovita was 50 % (Vorontsov-1) and 58 % (vitamin VNIVI), whereas in the control of this quantity does not exceed 30 % and 45 %, respectively. The experimental results showed that the regeneration of shrubs to enhance the varietal rose hips after the rejuvenation pruning is necessary to use zircon and Ferovita. The use of these drugs can intensify the cultivation of seedlings, fruit yield, enhance resistance to pests and diseases, increase yields of fruit.
Pages: 67-69
  1. Стрелец В.Д.Вегетативный прирост ветвей и его влияние на плодоношение кустов шиповника. М. 1982. Вып. 1. С. 42.