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Journal №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Effect on Phytoregulators Konidiogenesis Growth and Culture Mycelial Fungus Claviceps Purpurea (Fr) Tul Ergocriptine Strain)
P.S. Savin, T.S. Savina, S.S. Shain
As a result of studying the effect of exogenous phytohormones and synthetic phytoregulators on the development of mycelial suspension ergokriptinovogo strain of ergot observed a significant effect on the activation of phytohormones konidiogenesis. Introduction to the nutrient substrate cytokinins and auxins significantly stimulated the process of konidiogenesis and growth of biomass. Low concentrations of growth regulators have provided the best influence on the processes konidiogenesis than higher concentrations. Effect of IAA on the growth and ergot konidiogenesis mycelium was similar to the effect of kinetin, with the difference that the maximum productivity of culture medium with kinetin fell on 12 days of growth, and with IAA for 16 days of growth. The most effective against konidiogenesis and growth was the influence of GA3.The low level of productivity of the mycelium with a high yield of conidia is more tech option, as the process of separating the mycelium from conidia in the general technological scheme of production is the most time-consuming process. By varying the concentration of GA from 0.1 to 0.5 mg / l. You can reduce the time of induction of maximum production of conidia by the fungus. As a result, biological productivity mycelium compared to the control was increased 11.9 times, and the specific biological productivity by 30 times. The adjustment of nutrient medium by incorporating phytohormones allowed to activate and synchronize the processes and the growth of mycelium konidiogenesis, as well as reduce the cycle of reproduction of the mycelium to 10 days. Reducing the growing cycle will increase the productivity of the process based on the final product, and substantially reduce the likelihood of infection with mycelial mass, the risk is very high with growing cultures of the fungus ergot in fermenters. Hormone-like effectors of the retardant type does not effect the conidiogenesis.
Pages: 56-62
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