350 rub
Journal №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Essential Oil Glands in Lieaf Epidermis of Pelargonium L. Representatives as a Taxonomically Vailid Trate
L.N. Kozlovskaya, E.L. Malankina, A.A. Evgrafov
Size and shape details of essential oil glands in leaf epidermis in Pelargonium L. reprеsentatives can be possibly regarded as a feature of taxsonomic value. The structure and sizes o glandular structures of leaves of species and a hybrid of Pelargonium were studied. P. tetragonum and P. tomentosum have glandular trichomes with elongated, conical stalks and spherical, small heads. P. odoratissimum, P. graveolens, P. crispum, P. peltatum, P. peltatum hort., P. hispidum have glandular trichomes with elongated large heads and short cylindrical stalks. A complex hybrid P. zonale has both types of glandular trichomes: glandular trichomes with elongated large heads and short, cylindrical stalks, and glandular trichomes with spherical, small heads and long, conical stalks. P. odoratissimum, P. graveolens, P. crispum, P. hispidum have the greatest density of glandular trichomes. P. peltatum has the least density of glandular trichomes.
Pages: 41-43
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