350 rub
Journal №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Rare and Endangered Plants of the Crimea and the Caucasus in the Collection of the Vilar Botanical Garden
N.Yu. Gudkova, S.M. Konovalov
One way to save rare and endangered plant species is their involvement in the collection of botanical gardens. This is part of a comprehensive strategy for the International Programme for Botanic Gardens Conservation and the Strategy botanical gardens of Russia on the conservation of biodiversity. Preservation of plants in the collections of botanical gardens makes it possible to involve them in the research process, selection work, promotes the introduction of a culture. The greatest danger of destruction its natural habitats are valuable ornamental plants and medicinal plants, especially in the case of the area is small. In the collection of VILAR Botanical Garden are 17 species of rare or endemic plants of the Crimea and the Caucasus, in need of protection, belonging to the families Amaryllidaceae, Berberidaceae, Dioscoreaceae, Hyacinthaceae, Iridaceae, Melanthiaceae, Paeoniaceae, Ranunculaceae.
Pages: 30-32
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