350 rub
Journal №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Characteristics and Phytoncid Activity Plants Depending on the Level of Illumination
A.N. Tsitsilin, T.V. Fateeva, L.D. Shipulina
The studied species have different growth strategy. In Cyperus alternifolius L. observed in all variants of the excess weight of the underground part with respect to the above-ground. And Chlorophytum comosum (Thunb.) Jacques Vittatum crested picture is quite the opposite, above-ground part is greater or approximately equal to the biomass of the underground. The joint landings observed stimulation of growth above and below ground biomass of Cyperus only when it is in the minority in relation to the Chlorophytum. In this case, there is a significant increase in the surface mass of 1.8 times and below-ground parts by 70.8% compared with monoculture of Cyperus . Chlorophytum have influenced of Cyperus is a significant decrease in the formation of the underground part of all the options and the mass of aerial parts of Chlorophytum when there is a minority (Cyperus 3+ Chlorophytum). The highest phytoncidic activity against microbial contamination of air there in monoculture of Cyperus. Monoculture of Chlorophytum and composition, consisting of an equal number of plants of Cyperus and Chlorophytum show minimal phytoncidic activity 19.0-21.8%. Of all the studied variants of joint landings, where the composition is in the minority Cyperus (Cyperus + Chlorophytum 3) has a maximum of phytoncidic activity 34.9%.
Pages: 18-20
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