350 rub
Journal №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Cultivation of the Qualitative Seedling Echinacea Purpurea (Moench) in the Biocontainers
N.Y. Svystunova, S.M. Konovalov
Now a considerable part of herbs grow up crops of seeds that leads to an overexpenditure of a seed material at a considerable tightening of terms of disembarkation of sprouts. The sprouts echinacea are considered ready to disembarkation approximately for 4050 day in a phase of 23 leaves. In this regard we suggest to use the new production technology of sprouts of plants with low всхожестью seeds (such, as echinacea purpurea) in biocontainers. Results of experiment showed that seeds of echinacea in biocontainers ascended more amicably and quicker (for 25 days), than in other substrate. Use of biocontainers allows to receive shoots quicker. All phases at plants echinacea purpurea, grown up of the biocontainer come earlier, than in control, on the average for 57 days. 20 day plants had a number of leaves for 40 % more than at control. At the expense of in addition educated roots, the volume of root system increased in 2,5 times. Received with use of biocontainers the seedling can be used successfully in interiors of rooms of different function.
Pages: 11-13
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