350 rub
Journal №6 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Structural Changes in Various organs of Rats in Modeling Alimentary Magnesium Deficiency
A.V. Smirnov, G.L. Snigur, M.V. Schmidt, N.G. Panshin, O.Y. Evsiukov, V.A. Tolokolnikov, T.F. Smirnova, D.V. Bulanov, A.A. Spasov, L.I. Bugaeva, M.V. Kharitonova, A.A. Zheltova, T.M. Bundikova
The study of structural changes has revealed endothelial damage, the development of cardiosclerosis, ischemic damage of cardiomyocytes in the myocardium of the heart and blood vessels in rats with experimental magnesium deficiency. The increase of stromal volume was accompanied by rapid and significant decrease of cardiomyocyte volume and hyperplasia of stromal tissue. Revealed structural alterations of large and small hypothalamic neurons can be evidence of multidirectional effects of magnesium ions on hormonal and neurotransmitter system in different parts of diencephalon. Perturbations in the adenohypophysis indicate its chronical hypofunction, development of epithelial cells atrophy, inadequate production of tropic hormones. The study of germinal cells of testes has shown impaired spermatogenesis, strongly pronounced changes in spermatogenic epithelium of magnesium-deficient rats. Average number of primitive sperm cells and meiosis in spermatogenic epithelium of convoluted seminiferous tubules, index of spermatogenesis were decreased significantly in comparison with control group. Differences in the structural organization of cellular magnesium transporters has shown in the hypothalamus and the testes in rats fed magnesium deficient diet. Magnesium deficiency resulted in nonspecific productive inflammation with a predominance of eosinophils in the cellular infiltrate in the ovaries and endometrium. Alterations of capillary wall are the most prevailing morphological sign of magnesium deficiency and are notable for wide variability of different pathological processes (hyperemia, edema and sclerosis) that confirm different mechanisms of stromal-vascular injury and adaptaion under the condition of magnesium deficiency.
Pages: 44-50


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