350 rub
Journal №6 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Experimental Study Combined Biochemical Aspects of Heavy Metals in the Composition of Combustion Products PVC
E.G. Pykhteeva, D.V. Bolshoy
It is shown that the thermal decomposition and combustion of materials from PVC at 350 ° C, along with volatile organic and inorganic compounds (hydrogen chloride, oxides of carbon), a large amount of heavy metal compounds in the toxicologically relevant concentrations, which can not be ignored when assessing the toxicity of combustion products of such materials. Toxic combustion products of PVC causes induction of metallothionein synthesis in target organs (liver and kidney), as well as changes in the activity of key enzymes of glutathione-AOC and leads to a change in the distribution of metals inside the body. At the same time have high positive correlations in pairs of Zn-Cu in the liver and kidneys, Cd-Pb in the liver, and high negative correlations in pairs of Cd-Cu, and Zn-Cd in the kidney. Mechanisms of combined action of the combustion products of PVC and heavy metals are in need of further study.
Pages: 39-43


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