350 rub
Journal №6 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Effects of Magnesium Deficiency on the Conception Processes and Antenatal Development in Female Rats
A.A. Spasov, L.I. Bugaeva, S.A. Lebedeva, M.V. Kharitonova, T.M. Bundikova, A.V. Smirnov, V.A. Tolokolnikov, O.Y. Evsiukov, A.A. Zheltova
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of alimentary magnesium deficiency on conception processes and antenatal development in female rats. To induce Mg deficiency, twenty female rats were fed a low magnesium diet (Mg < 15 mg/kg) for 8 weeks. Other twenty female and twenty male rats received diet with normal magnesium content (Mg > 500 mg/kg). From the day 57 till day 67 magnesium-deficient female rats were housed with male rats (one male and two female rats in every cage). On the day 77 female rats were sacrificed and macroscopic study of ovaries was carried out. Low magnesium concentration in red blood cells has been shown to result in decrease of weight gain and development of dystrophic signs. Macroscopic study of the ovaries of magnesium-deficient rats revealed alterations of their shape, color and density. Numbers of implantation sites and implanted embryos were decreased by 28 % and 47.2 % respectively (p < 0.05) compared to control group. Average age of implanted embryos in magnesium-deficient group was 1213 days versus 16 days in control group. Antenatal death was fourfold higher in rats fed low magnesium diet. Taken together the data are evidence of the fact, that magnesium deficiency leads to suppression of reproductive function in female rats.
Pages: 35-38


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