350 rub
Journal №6 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Study of the Relationship of Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Hair and Tissue Thyroid Gland of Persons Living in Adverse Environment of the Region
S.V. Miroshnikov, S.V. Notova, O.V. Kvan
This paper is devoted to study the relationship of heavy metal accumulation in hair and thyroid tissure in women with nodular (multinodular) euthyroid goiter colloid living in the region to unfavorable environmental conditions. The study involved 103 women between the ages of 35 and 50 with nodular (multinodular) euthyroid colloidal goiter and disease duration from 5.5 to 18 years. In order to study the elemental status of the organism as a biosubstrates used hair samples and thyroid tissue (colloidal assemblies and perinodular thyroid tissue) obtained during the execution of hemi-and / or thyroidectomy. Using the method of mass spectrometry and atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled argon plasma is investigated by the contents of 25 chemical elements in the hair, in colloidal nodes and perinodular thyroid tissue. For the first time obtained data on the characteristics of heavy metals in the hair of women with nodular (multinodular) euthyroid goiter with optimal average interval. Revealed significantly lower content of Zn in perinodular thyroid tissue. For the first time a correlation analysis of heavy metals in the hair, nodles and perinodular thyroid tissue with nodular euthyroid goiter. Found a negative correlation between Se in thyroid tissue with all the heavy metals. The method of correlation analysis shows a significant direct dependence of the Cd, Cu and Sn content of an inverse relationship in the hair and perinodular thyroid tissue. When comparing the content of heavy metals in the hair and nodular thyroid tissue revealed significant correlation for Zn, Cd, Sn and Ni. It is suggested to participate in the pathogenesis of nodular goiter colloid proliferating, in addition to iodine deficiency, elements such as Cd, Sn, Ni, Zn and Cu.
Pages: 30-34


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