350 rub
Journal №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Lipostabil and trekrezan in correction lipid blood spectrum at the cardio-vascular pathology
M.M. Rasulov, S.N. Bobkova, O.A. Belikova, M.K. Nurbekov, E.V. Erokhina, M.G. Voronkov
Influence of a domestic preparation трекрезан on a clinical current of ischemic illness of heart and an arterial hypertensia is studied at its inclusion in structure of complex therapy of a stenocardia of pressure of II functional class. 25 patients are surveyed. Trekrezan it was appointed within 3 months in a dose of 600 mg/days. Lipostabil patients accepted in a dose of 2 capsules 3 times a day before reception трекрезана and during its reception within 3 months. As a result of treatment by basic preparations with addition of trekrezan (T), at 77 % of patients with ICD it was marked disappearance of cardiospasmic attacks, at 12 % their frequency was reduced from several times a day to 2-3 times a week at physical activity. The dose of nitrates of the prolonged action in the course of treatment has decreased on the average in 1,3 times. Decrease in degree of expressiveness of clinical displays of coronary insufficiency at 52 % of patients it was accompanied by positive dynamics on an electrocardiogram. It is established, that after inclusion Т in structure of complex therapy, indicators of quality of a life on SAQ in 3 months have undergone authentic changes. At all patients level of the general fiber in blood and albumines whey tended to reduction. The maintenance in blood alaninaminotranspherase, aspartataminotranspherase and glucose at patients with ICD prior to the beginning of a course of therapy with inclusion Т fluctuated within norm, but indicators came nearer to the top borders. After the spent course of complex therapy with Т, the maintenance of nuclear heating plant and alaninaminotranspherase at patients with ICD has decreased on 22 %, glucose has decreased on 16,5 %. It was not marked changes of indicators of a mineral exchange. Addition Т to basic therapy led to decrease in whey of blood of maintenance of total cholesterol at patients with ICD on 9 %. Level of lipoprotheids high density in blood whey raised at patients with ICD on 8 % in comparison with this indicator before treatment. Maintenance of lipoprotheids low density decreased on 11 %. Authentic decrease in level thryglycerides on 20 % and lipoprotheids very low density on 20 % was marked. The integrated indicator - an index of atherogenesys has authentically decreased on 19 %. Against basic therapy with addition of 600 mg/days Т at patients ICD authentic decrease in activity in monocytes PHLA2 on 33 % was marked.
Pages: 55-60
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