350 rub
Journal №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Effect of the additional fortification diet by essentional microelements on liver morphology
Sh.G. Rakhmatullin, S.A. Miroshnikov, S.V. Lebedev, O.Yu. Sipaylova, O.V. Kvan
The optimization of feeding of agricultural animals is an important task for food industry. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of fortification of broilers by Mo, Cr and Ni inorganic salts on the morphological picture of liver as main metabolic organ of the body. Totally four groups of broilers (cross «Smena-7»; n=30 in each) were involved in the experiment, Gr. 1 included control animals and three experimental group (exp.gr.), with the difference that a diet of I exp.gr., enriched in MoO3), II exp.gr. - Cr2(SO4)3 and NiSO4. In III exp.gr. the MoO3, Cr2(SO4)3 and NiSO4 were added regularly to diet. In results of our experimental work have shown the tendency to improvement of blood circulation in I exp.gr., but in II exp.gr. and especially in III exp.gr. the positive effects on morphofunctional status of liver ware significant (enlargement of diameter and surface of main blood vessels, square of hepatocytes and its parameters). In conclusion, our work clemonstrated the beneficial effects on broilers liver morphofunctional activity of additional fortification of diet by Mo, Cr and Ni, and especially in case of its simulfaneons administration. It intensificated the utilization of food, increased the metabolic processes and improved the quality of chicken.
Pages: 44-47
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