350 rub
Journal №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Development of methods of standardization of the liquid extract on the basis of gathering for preventive maintenance and treatment of infringements of brain blood circulation
S.R. Kchasanova, E.H. Galiakchmetova, N.V. Kudashkina
Now, for introduction in medical practice of new medical products it is necessary, besides preclinical and clinical tests, carrying out of the researches, allowing to develop for them quality specifications.
Our researches were devoted to development of methods of standardization of the liquid extract on the basis of gathering for preventive maintenance and treatment of infringements of the brain blood circulation on the faculty of farmacognosi of Bashkir SMU.
The species plant, part of the collection contains a variety of biologically active substances: flavonoids, tannins, kumarins, vitamins, polysaccharides, essential oils, saponins, alkaloids, and others who go into the water and aqueous alcohol extraction.
On the basis of our research, the following indicators of quality liquid extract from the vegetable special in the pharmacopoeias monograph enterprise: the description, authenticity, flavonoid content, the density, the content of heavy metals, the dry residue, microbiological purity, shelf life.
Pages: 35-37
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