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Journal №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Perfection methods of quality control and criteries of standardization of Semen Aesculi and the dry refined extract of Seeds of Aesculus hippocastanum L
T.B. Shemerjankina, O.G. Zharova, T.A. Sokolskaja, T.D. Dargaeva, N.A. Postoyuk
Methods of analysis of standardization and certification parameters of the seeds and the dry refined extract of seeds of Aesculus hippocastanum L. (A. hippocastanum L.) were developed. The special technique (TLC) was developed for qualitation of escin. This technique involved the ethyl acetate - isopropanol - water system in the proportion 40:40:30 and 25 % solution of phosphotungstic acid as a developer. The high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was developed for quantitation of escin. The HPLC conditions are as follows: Waters Symmetry C18 USA (4,6×250 mm) column, acetonitrile and o-phosphoric acid solution (рН=3,5) as mobile phase (gradient elution), flow rate is 1.0 mLmin−1, detection length of UV is 210 nm, injection volume is 10 μL. The results indicated that the developed HPLC method is simple, sensitive and reliable for the determination of four major saponins in seeds of A. hippocastanum L. This assay can be readily utilized as a quality control method for Semen Aesculi and the dry refined extract of seeds of A. hippocastanum L.
Pages: 3-11
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