350 rub
Journal №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Anatomic-Diagnostic Features of the Ordinaryhorse-Chestnut Leaves (Aesculus Hippocastanum L.)
N.A. Postoyuk, A.A. Markarian, M.A. Dzhavahian, Т.А. Sokolskaya, T.D. Dargaeva
At the meantime the search for the remedy for the treatment of various cardiovascular diseases (CVD), including, chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is urgent. At the first stage of the anatomic-diagnostic examination of the ordinaryhorse-chestnut leaves - raw material all the research steps are done so to determine the authenticity, which should confirm the correspondence of the studied object to the name it is carrying out. This procedure consists of the studying of the external features of the raw material and its description, what is done directly after the harvesting according to the general article GF XІ «Leaves» At the following stage the microscopic analysis is carried out for the purpose of definition of the characteristics for the given kind of the raw material of anatomic-diagnostic features All procedures listed are based on advanced research techniques. This makes possible to conduct even more detailized studies a necessary of which derives from elevation of the level of requirements to the drug quality.
Pages: 19-23
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