350 rub
Journal №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The principles of safety and system approach in phytotherapy at development of a complecs herbal remedies (for example of remedy «dentos» for stomatology)
N.R. Shagalieva, V.A. Kurkin, E.V. Avdeeva
Phytotherapy is traditionally used in medical practice for treatment and prevention of various chronic diseases. In the present time there are a number of perspective directions in development of plant-based remedies with differrent pharmacological activity. They oriented as in the case of traditional phytotherapy, for the native complex of biologically active compounds (BAC). The phytopharmaceuticals have at a rational use mild therapeutic effect and safety, which makes possible their long-term using. These factors lead to the topicality of developing new medicinal plant products in accordance with the principles of modern phytotherapy. We have reviewed some of the basic principles of phytotherapy: safety and system approach for example of development a series of herbal remedies «Dentos» which are proposed for use in dental practice.
Pages: 38-40
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