350 rub
Journal №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The use of drugs on the basis of beebread to reduce the acoustic influence on the antioxidant system of the human organism
S.Yu. Garmonov, L.T Akhmetova, A.V. Kochergin, G.K Ziyatdinova, I.E. Zykova, G.K. Budnikov
The development of many adverse conditions in the human organism is accompanied by increased formation of the reactive oxygen forms and free radicals that can damage the structural components of cells of the organism. By increasing the noise level is increased free radical lipid oxidation, which leads to a decrease in antioxidant protection by the acoustic action on the organism and the development of the state of oxidative stress. In this regard, it is important to develop efficient and universal ways of reducing the negative influence of the noise on the antioxidant system of the human organism. The purpose of the work was to study the variation of the antioxidant capacity of blood by the acoustic impact and application of vitaminized agent «Vinibis C» as a drug, reducing the negative impact of noise on the antioxidant system of the human organism, and prevents the development of the state of oxidative stress in it. The decrease of the indicator of antioxidant capacity of human blood by the acoustic impact of 250-5000 Hz was established. In this case the maximum effect on the antioxidant system is observed at a frequency of 500 Hz and an increasing of the sound pressure level from 70 dB to 90 dB. A method of protection against the noise through the use of vitamin-enriched drug «Vinibis C» is proposed. The reducing of the negative impact of noise on the antioxidant system of the human organism by means of «Vinibis C» is safe from the viewpoint of an overdose of the drug due to its extremely low toxicity, and allows to simultaneously improve the immune status of the human organism under adverse environmental conditions.
Pages: 34-37
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