350 rub
Journal №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Effects of Trekrezan and Miskleron in Atherosklerotic Processes at the Cardio-Vascular Pathology
M.M. Rasulov, S.N. Bobkova, M.K. Nurbekov, O.A. Belikova, E.V. Erokhina, M.G. Voronkov
The effect of domestic preparation trekrezan the clinical course of coronary heart disease and hypertension at his inclusion in complex therapy angina functional class II. We examined 24 patients. Trekrezan was administered for 3 months at a dose of 600 mg / day. Miskleron patients received a dose of 500 mg 3 times a day to receive trekrezana and during his admission within 6 months. Therapy by miskleron and trekrezan aimed at addressing hyperlipidemia, led to normalization of lipid profile during treatment. Installed xanthelasma regression in 4 patients out of 9 have this feature (44.4 %), decrease in frequency of angina attacks in 2 times in 13 people (54.4 %) in favor of the clinical effectiveness of the therapy (miskleron and trekrezan), which leads to a decrease in the rate of progression Atero-MS, shows no tendency to increase the dose nit-squares in this group of patients. The 10 people (42 %) after taking trekrezan and miskleron dose of nitrates significantly decreased in 2 times (from 0.121 mg to 0.042 mg), all patients decreased the dose of aspirin in 2 times (from 0.261 mg to 0.132 mg) and 9 people 1.8-fold decreased dose of beta-blockers (52 %). In this case no significant side effects or complications associated with receiving trekrezan and miskleron, demanding their withdrawal, conducted against the background of standard therapy experienced an increased level of activity of acid phospholipase A1 mononuclear cells. After you have added to the standardized treatment and trekrezan and miskleron, all patients the level of total protein in blood and serum albumin had a tendency to decrease. Apparently, this was due to the fact that they adhere to the recommendations of nutritionists. Blood levels of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and glucose in patients with coronary heart disease before the start of therapy with the inclusion of trekrezanom fluctuated within normal limits, but the figure is closer to the upper boundary. After the course of combined therapy with trekrezan, aspartate and alanine contents in patients with coronary heart disease decreased by 21 % and 22 %, respectively, glucose decreased by 17 %. There were no changes in the indices of mineral metabolism. Add to trekrezan basic therapy led to a decrease in serum total cholesterol in patients with coronary heart disease by 10 %. The level of HDL cholesterol in the blood serum increased in patients with coronary heart disease by 9 % compared with the index before the treatment. The content of low density lipoprotein cholesterol decreased by 10 %. A significant decrease in triglycerides and cholesterol levels of very low density lipoprotein by 37 %. Integral index - the index of atherogenicity significantly decreased by 21 %. Against the background of basic therapy with the addition of 600 mg / day trekrezana patients with coronary heart disease had significantly reduced activity in monocytes of acid phospholipase A1 by 23.5 %.
Pages: 66-70
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