350 rub
Journal №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Retention of Copper And Zinc in the Body Birds on the Background of the Introduction of Additives in a Diet Based on Culture of Bacillus Subtilis
O.Yu. Sipaylova, S.A. Miroshnikov, D.V. Nesterov, O.N. Sukhanova
The researches are spent for the purpose of adjectives of influence of a enzymatic preparation of «Avizim-1200» made with use B. Subtillis and probiotic «Sporobakterinum» on retention chemical elements in an organism of a bird. It is established that presence probiotic and a enzymatic preparation in a diet has in different ways affected the copper and zinc maintenance in a body of an experimental bird. In particular, «Avizim-1200» promoted of retention copper and zinc, in comparison with «Sporobakterinum» who, on the contrary, hasn't rendered such action. The critically estimating the received results it is possible to notice that positive action of a enzymatic preparation on retention copper and zinc in a fabric of a body of an experimental bird is quite expected and proved by destructive influence exogenous enzymes on not starched polysaccharides and antinutritious connections. Meanwhile the fact of decrease in adjournment in a body of experimental chickens of estimated microelements at feeding of sporobacterinum is difficult to explain. The existing literature on a problem in the majority testifies to beneficial effect of probiotics on a mineral exchange. Though there is data and about linkage of metals by the bacteria, described as the incorporation phenomenon. At the same time, what reasons wouldn't accompany decrease in comprehensibility of estimated microelements in I skilled group, it could lead to a hypoplasia immunocompetents bodies with the subsequent atrophy lymphoid to a fabric. However, as have shown results of our researches, decrease in functional activity of bodies of immune system at the experimental bird receiving probiotic, hasn't occurred, moreover was observed immunomodulatory action of the last. Influence of «Avizima-1200» on morphofunctional a condition of bodies of immune system of chickens has appeared "Sporobakterinum" quite comparable to influence. The stimulating effect on bodies immunogenesis both preparations was marked throughout all experience, with some recession to 7-week age of a bird when quantitative and quality indicators of their functional activity have a little decreased. Thus immunomodulatory action of «Sporobakterinum» at this age has been more expressed in comparison with «Avizim-1200». Thus, additional introduction in a diet of chickens-broilers as «Sporobakterinum» so «Avizim-1200» has led to substantial improvement morphofunctional characteristics of bodies of immune system, despite the fact of decrease in mastering of separate microelements (zinc and copper) at a summer residence of probiotic-s.
Pages: 54-57
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