350 rub
Journal №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The Influence of Coenzyme Q10, Afobasol ans L-Carnitine and their Combinations with L-Argi¬nine on Endothelial Function in Rats with - Xperimental Diabetes Mellitus
S.G. Dzugkoev, F.S. Dzugkoeva, N.G. Gumanova, V.A. Metelskaya
We have researched the influence of endogenic antioxidants, afobasol and their combination with L-arginine on biochemical and functional factors of endothelial dysfunction in rats with EDM. The gotten results have revealed the biochemical markers of endothelial dysfunction. We have installed that on background all preparation occurred the oppression of lipids peroxidation in contrast with group with experimental diabetes that follows from reduction of the concentrations of malonic dyaldehid and increasing of activities of superoxide-dismutase. This was accompanied with increasing of the nitric oxide concentration, accessibility of substratum of L-arginine and expression of eNOS on background of coenzyme Q10, afobasol and L-carnitine. The treatment of experimental diabetes mellitus in all variants brought to reduction of springy characteristics of vessels, increasing of average and systolic blood velocity and liquid exchange in vessels of microcirculation.
Pages: 49-53


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